Journal Papers
[J9] M.G. Finley, J.Y. Nishimura, and T. Bell, “Variable precision depth encoding for 3D range geometry compression,” Appl. Opt., 59(17), 5290-5299, 2020.
[J8] M.G. Finley and T. Bell, “Two-Channel Depth Encoding for 3D Range Geometry Compression,” Appl. Opt., 58(25), 6882-6890, 2019. (Cover Feature)
[J7] T. Bell, B. Vlahov, J.P. Allebach, and S. Zhang, “Three-dimensional range geometry compression via phase encoding,” Appl. Opt. 56(33), 9285-9292, 2017.
[J6] B. Li, T. Bell, and S. Zhang, “Computer-aided-design-model-assisted absolute three-dimensional shape measurement,” Appl. Opt. 56(24), 6770-6776, 2017.
[J5] Y. An*, T. Bell*, B. Li, J. Xu, and S. Zhang, “Method for large-range structured light system calibration,” Appl. Opt. 55(33), 9563-9572, 2016. (* denotes co-first authors)
[J4] C. Jiang, T. Bell and S. Zhang, “High dynamic range real-time 3D shape measurement,” Opt. Express 24(7), 7337-7346, 2016. (Cover feature; Image of the Week)
[J3] T. Bell, J. Xu, and S. Zhang, “Method for out-of-focus camera calibration,” Appl. Opt. 55(9), 2346-2352, 2016.
[J2] T. Bell and S. Zhang, “Multiwavelength depth encoding method for 3D range geometry compression,” Appl. Opt. 54(36), 10684-10691, 2015.
[J1] T. Bell and S. Zhang, “Towards superfast three-dimensional optical metrology with digital micro mirror device (DMD) platforms,” Opt. Eng. 53(11), 112206, 2014.
Conference Papers
[C6] M.G. Finley and T.Bell, “Variable precision depth encoding for 3D range geometry compression,” Electronic Imaging, 3D Measurement and Data Processing (3DMP), Burlingame, CA, Jan. 2020. (Peer Reviewed) (Best Student Paper Award)
[C5] T. Bell and S. Zhang, “Holo Reality: Real-time, Low-bandwidth 3D Range Video Communications on Consumer Mobile Devices with Application to Augmented Reality,” Electronic Imaging, 3D Measurement and Data Processing (3DMP), Burlingame, CA, Jan. 2019. (Peer Reviewed)
[C4] T. Bell and S. Zhang, “High-resolution 3D optical sensing and real-time 3D video data streaming,” IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Auckland, New Zealand, Jul. 2018. (Invited)
[C3] T. Bell, J.P. Allebach, and S. Zhang, “Holostream: High-Accuracy, High-Speed 3D Range Video Encoding and Streaming Across Standard Wireless Networks,” Electronic Imaging, 3D Image Processing, Measurement (3DIPM), and Applications, Burlingame, CA, Jan. 2018. (Peer Reviewed)
[C2] T. Bell and S. Zhang, “A comparative study on 3D range data compression methods,” SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, Proc. SPIE 9868, Dimensional Optical Metrology and Inspection for Practical Applications V, Baltimore, MD, Apr. 2016.
[C1] T. Bell and S. Zhang, “Towards superfast 3D optical metrology with digital micromirror device (DMD) platforms,” Proc. SPIE 8979, Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications VI, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2014.
Book Chapters
[BC2] T. Bell, B. Li, and S. Zhang, “Structured light techniques and applications,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1-24, 2016. (Invited tutorial chapter)
[BC1] T. Bell, N. Karpinsky, and S. Zhang, “Real-Time 3D Sensing with Structured Light Techniques,” Interactive Displays: Natural Human-Interface Technologies, Chapter 5, Edited by A.K. Bhowmik, 2014.
[P2] S. Zhang and T. Bell, “System Architecture and Method of Processing Data Therein,” U.S. Patent Application No: 62/651,356. (Pending)
[P1] S. Zhang and T. Bell, “Method and System for Multi-Wavelength Depth Encoding for Three Dimensional Range Geometry Compression,” U.S. Patent Application No: 15/367,221. (Pending)