Fall 2020
ECE 3540: Communication Networks
University of Iowa
Communication networks, layered network architectures, applications, network programming interfaces (e.g., sockets), transport, congestion, routing, data link protocols, local area networks, emerging high-speed networks, multimedia networks, network security, internet protocol; technology examples.
Spring 2020
ECE 5550: Internet of Things
University of Iowa
Internet of Things (IoT) describes the evolution of the internet to intelligent devices, sensors, actuators, controllers, and other types of internet-enabled components; soon, IoT-based applications will enable seminal advances in a wide range of areas including health and lifestyle, transportation, smart cities, environment, energy, agriculture, and industry; topics include IoT logical and physical structure, IoT-enabled internet services, IoT devices/platforms/endpoints, IoT application domains, IoT security and privacy issues, and IoT data analytic; case studies and projects focused on design and implementation of a working IoT application.
Project Sponsor (ECE 4890: ECE Senior Design)
University of Iowa
Team Ground3D.
Project Sponsor (ECE 4890: ECE Senior Design)
University of Iowa
Group L.
Fall 2019
ENGR 2730: Computers in Engineering
University of Iowa
Advanced programming; good software engineering techniques including pseudocode and documentation, dynamic data structures, recursive programming, procedural and object-oriented computing, inheritance, and the standard template library; C++.
Deployed module: “Responsible use of open source software and internet accessible code”
College of Engineering Special Initiative: Enhancing Ethical Context in the CoE Curriculum
University of Iowa
Spring 2019
ECE 5550: Internet of Things
University of Iowa
Internet of Things (IoT) describes the evolution of the internet to intelligent devices, sensors, actuators, controllers, and other types of internet-enabled components; soon, IoT-based applications will enable seminal advances in a wide range of areas including health and lifestyle, transportation, smart cities, environment, energy, agriculture, and industry; topics include IoT logical and physical structure, IoT-enabled internet services, IoT devices/platforms/endpoints, IoT application domains, IoT security and privacy issues, and IoT data analytic; case studies and projects focused on design and implementation of a working IoT application.
Project Sponsor (ECE 4890: ECE Senior Design)
University of Iowa
A “Virtual Reality Force Feedback and Safety Device” was designed, developed, and implemented by a group of four University of Iowa senior ECE students. This project was the winner of the Best ECE Senior Design Project Award! Congrats, team.
Fall 2018
ENGR 2730: Computers in Engineering
University of Iowa
Advanced programming; good software engineering techniques including pseudocode and documentation, dynamic data structures, recursive programming, procedural and object-oriented computing, inheritance, and standard template library; contemporary and global impact of software and computers on society; robot programming lab arranged (using C/C++ language).