Prof. Bell gave a talk, “Digitizing Our 3D World,” on November 12 at the Science Center of Iowa (SCI) in Des Moines, Iowa, as part of their Café Scientifique series. The event was free and open to the public, taking place in SCI’s Star Theater planetarium. Read below to learn more about the talk.
Digitizing Our 3D World

As we live, work and play, we are constantly sensing, processing and interpreting information about the three-dimensional world around us. Although this comes naturally to humans, it's more complicated for computers.
Join Dr. Tyler Bell, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Iowa, to explore the field of 3D imaging and learn how researchers are enabling computers to sense, virtually replicate, understand and augment the world around us. Discover the real-life application of this research, such as virtual reality, real-time 3D video calls and even a large-scale project that was recently installed at SCI.